Local Online Advertising REDEFINED

Our Local Media Clients benefit from our use of sophisticated research and our rich local community awareness, to make digital advertising sales easy, and the ensuing revenue very meaningful in their markets.

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Who we are

Aqua Media Direct’s “people” are media professionals having traditional and online media backgrounds. We are experts at directing and managing the many nuances of our local “cookieless” online media on behalf of local advertisers. Our emphasis and our wealth is our “people” at a time when the status quo of online advertising continues to write “people” out of the equation with algorithms that are responsible for all the targeting, optimization, and programmatic advertising, and boilerplate blind reporting. If a local media seller has ever been asked the question, “what sites will I be on”, look no further than here for the answer. Have you ever wondered what kind of customer service an algorithm can provide?
Aqua Media Direct’s Founder & CEO, Tom Doyle, has been in the online display media space since the beginning in 1997. From 1997 to 2002 he was at the helm of one of the first site representation companies, Go4Media. Go4Media had 60 sites and sold their content and the content’s audiences to the early industry’s first interactive agencies, including Left Field, and Avenue A.
Doyle’s earlier traditional media experience was as owner of a company that provided major market media planning and integrated promotions for touring entertainment companies and their sponsors including Barry Manilow and Frank Sinatra (P&G), Neil Diamond, The Rolling Stones, and A Chorus Line, The Broadway Tour of America (Visa).
Doyle started Aqua Media Direct in 2006 to make audience targeting more meaningful to advertisers. AQUA PRE-TARGETING™ is the culmination of this effort.

What We Do

NEW PARADIGM The Status Quo of Online Advertising is to target a USER, Blindly. The status quo of online media is cookie and algorithm based. The technologies behind this targeting were written by engineers and built around a “reaction” to a USER initiated action, or “click”. When clicked, a “cookie” is installed on the USER’s browser and then the advertiser’s ad will follow this USER wherever he or she goes on the web, BLINDLY. This can mean literally 1000’s of websites having no clear benefit to the advertiser. Our Method, targets only websites SMARTLY. AQUA PRE-TARGETING™ is “cookie-less”. Our method was created by media professionals with backgrounds in traditional and online media and shows an ad “before the click”. We provide our clients with sophisticated Media Plans using deep proprietary research into the audiences that visit websites, and our awareness that all local communities are vastly different from one another. We then SMARTLY target only the Media Plan’s websites under our “people’s” watchful eyes and optimize campaigns to their highest potential. LOCAL MEDIA DASHBOARD Our Media Services clients can download Media Plans and place orders and track them with our Local Media Dashboard, which is designed to better serve local media companies.
  • Non-Invasive, Cookie-less AQUA PRE-TARGETING™
  • “Before the click” ad placement
  • 100% Website Transparency
  • No fraud which is associated with “blind” inventory
  • 100% View-ability
  • Sales Tools – 890+ Media Plans Tailored to Fit a Local Advertiser’s Need
  • Complete Managed Services
  • Daily Optimization by Website
  • 100% Transparent Website-by-Website Reporting
  • Sales Training & Ongoing Support
  • Market Exclusivity
  • Local Mobile Advertising
  • Local In-Banner Video Advertising
  • Local Video Advertising
  • GEO Fencing of a building, street, shopping mall, etc.
  • GEO Targeting via City, TV DMA, County, Longitude & Latitude


We developed our AQUA PRE-TARGETING™ because we saw a need to go beyond the “cookie based” targeting that was prevailing in our industry in 2007 to 2010. We realized there was a crack in the armor of this targeting, and saw that it was beginning to unravel. We also realized that “cookie based” advertising is not scalable in local advertising. All of our featured targeting is 100% “cookie-less”, and “before the click” and scalable in local online media.
  • Cookie-less and “Before The Click” AQUA PRE-TARGETING™ Audience Targeting
  • 100% Transparent Website Advertising
  • Local Mobile Advertising
  • Local PRE-ROLL Video Advertising
  • Audience Interest Affinities Advertising in Like Content or Non-Related Content Websites
  • GEO – ZIP Code/DMA /City/County/Longitude & Latitude Targeting
  • GEO Fencing around a building, city block, neighborhood, shopping mall, i.e., any advertiser that wants a high concentration of impressions in a small GEO footprint

Contact US

At Aqua Media Direct, we’re committed to our client’s success whether you’re an advertiser or publisher. Please contact us if we can be of service.

Aqua Media Direct Headquarters:
225 South Lake Avenue, 3rd Floor
Pasadena, CA 91101

Tom Doyle
Chief Executive Officer
EMAIL: ceo@aquamediadirect.com
Fax: (877) 341-2808

Alan Thiessen
Executive Vice President; GM Media Services
EMAIL: alan@aquamediadirect.com
Fax: (877) 341-2808